“I don’t think I’m going to be happy unless I'm making stuff.

That phone call was the moment I knew I had found my calling. It was 2019 and I had just graduated from LSUA with a Bachelor’s in Communication Studies and was applying to various HR desk jobs. Lifeless managers interviewing me for lifeless positions. I knew I had to continue to create if I wanted to feel fulfilled by my work.

My goal had always been to “make stuff.” Growing up, I didn’t even know what I wanted to make, just that I enjoyed the process. I constantly recorded my friends and family through the lenses of hand-me-down iPads, camcorders, and GoPros.

Once in college, I bought my first “real” camera that wasn’t passed down to me. It was a Canon Rebel, but most importantly, it was new, and it was mine. My early, self-taught work landed me an internship at Kinetix Solutions, where I would stay for over a year as a digital content creator and social media coordinator. These 15 months were crucial to my development as a photographer, videographer, and editor.

In June of 2020, I was hired to do what I loved at my Alma Mater. LSUA brought me into the newly created position of Multimedia Coordinator. I manage all photo/video/broadcast for the university as well as manage LSUA Media, a talented team of students that assist the university with content and broadcasting. I was also given the opportunity to serve as Interim Assistant Vice Chancellor of LSUA’s Division of Strategic Communications from June until October 2021.

As of January 2023, I have also been brought on as a staff member of HIS Church in Pineville, directing and producing our broadcast services on a weekly basis.

Since that phone call, countless hours have been dedicated to learning, teaching, practicing, and helping those I collaborate with make something awesome.